5 Books To Read If You Want To Start a Side Hustle

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If you are looking to start a side hustle and still struggling with the perfect idea or maybe you’ve got the ideal solution but no idea how to get started - maybe it's time to do a little research and read a book about how to start a side hustle.

With side hustles being such a popular modern phenomenon, there are a LOT of books to choose from. They range from how to pick an idea through to how to turn it into your full-time career, with everything in between. Fear not, we are here to help with our guide to our favourite books for someone starting a side hustle.

We’ve also provided links to the books if you want to buy them. We don’t get a commission if you do buy, and we’ve made a point of giving you links to small businesses that sell these. Therefore, if you choose to buy, you are helping small, independent businesses just like you!

Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days (Chris Guillebeau)

We might as well start with the king of side hustle books, Chris Guillebeau. We could have picked from numerous books he has produced, and we certainly give a nod to the excellent 100 side hustles, where he details the story of 100 people who have created highly successful side hustles.

However, if we were to pick just one of his fine books on side hustles, then it has to be ‘From Idea to Income in 27 Days’. It is perfect for those starting out on the side hustle journey.

It provides a step-by-step guide on how to get started, where ideas come from and is packed with real-world examples. You feel like you’ve picked up some of those experiences to give yourself confidence moving forward.

The Side Hustle Millionaire (Tony Whatley)

Aside from his book being one of the most popular side hustle books, we love Tony Whatley because he’s a no-nonsense expert who doesn’t hold back. We also appreciate his detail-led approach to life.

If a side hustle is a new venture for you, then you might be apprehensive, but you don’t need to be. Tony will give you loads of practical tips that will help you understand what’s needed and strip away those concerns.

$1000 100 Ways: How Real People Make Real Money on the Side (Nick Loper)

In his excellent book, Nick Loper highlights 100 entrepreneurs who created themselves additional income from side hustles. By taking you on these entrepreneurs' journies, you’ll learn how to make money online. He also shows you how/when you might need investment, without having to take any risks.

The book is excellent at highlighting the importance of finding those potential customers for your side hustle, so you can start generating additional revenues without giving up your day job.

The Side Hustle Guide: Build a Successful Side Hustle and Increase Your Income (Bola Sokunbi)

Written by Clever Girl Finance founder Bola Sokunbi, we like this book for its sound and sensible approach. You get great advice on a business plan (which many running a side hustle wrongly don’t see as important) and establishing your brand. Essentially doing the things that any serious business should do and being a side hustle shouldn’t excuse that.

Side Hustle: A Beginner's Handbook On Effective Ways To Earn Extra Income On The Side (Eric Scott)

If you are at the early stage of deciding if a side hustle is right for you, then this book from Eric Scott might be the right one for you. For example, if you are struggling to come up with good ideas, this book will immediately inspire you.

It’s packed with practical tips, productivity hacks and a set of rules that everyone should follow as they begin their side hustle journey.

That’s our list of 5 books you should read if you want to start a side hustle or are looking for ways to get momentum with something you’ve already started.

We’d love to hear your recommendations, message us and post them on our Instagram feed and we’ll update our guide with any great new books you suggest.
